Thursday, February 13, 2014


"This isn't a Fairytale, This is New York City"

New York City is truly a magical place, one that I have grown up with the privilege of being so close to. The culture, the fashion, the food, and the people; everything about that city glitters. Everything about that city is enchanting. There is so much to learn from a place like NYC.

New Yorkers indulge themselves in different cultures and cuisines, and my personal favorite, Macaron shoppes! On one of my most recent adventures through the concrete jungle, I guiltily found myself stumbling into the "Maracon Cafe"located on 59th street between Madison & Park. Let me tell you, I left feeling not one bit guilty. The macarons there were to die for! And the presentation, even sweeter! I struggled a little bit when it came the time to finally open the box, but the end result was delicious and well worth the sacrifice.

Flavors from left to right: Vanilla, Peanut Butter, Pumpkin, White Chocolate Mint, Dark Chocolate, & Pumpkin again!

After my trip, I simply could not wait to get back into the city to satisfy my guilty sweet tooth. But then I discovered that on the Macaron Cafe website, you have the option of browsing flavors, or having some shipped to you all across the country! I am crossing my fingers that some tasty maracrons with this darling bow end up on my doorstep for Valentines Day!

Arguably my favorite part about visiting the city begins before I even hop in the car. Picking out what you wear for a day out on the streets of New York is definitely not a decision to be taken lightly. The streets of New York are like runways, eclectic ones at that, with thousands of artistic interpretations of the latest trend, the hottest color, or the funkiest accessory. 

I chose to rock a collection of my favorite pieces, a black faux fur infinity scarf, a teal embroidered Nannette Lepore coat, and my Marc Jacobs cross-body bag. The city is also a wind tunnel, so I threw my hair up in a pony tail to avoid a devastatingly bad hair day. Side note, I obviously strutted my stuff straight over to Harry Winston. No time like the present to pick out my future engagement ring, right?

Unfortunately, other than the Classic Q Percy Marc Jacobs bag, all the other pieces I wore were out of season. Below is a picture of the Lulu faux fur scarf I found on Nordstrom that is similar, and wildly inexpensive. To it's right, a more expensive, real fur La Fiorentina version of the fur infinity. 

It truly is a shame that no amount of words can describe how truly enchanting New York City can be, and I am simply not satisfied with the post for it does not do the city any justice. However, the adrenaline rush that you experience, the hustle and bustle, it is one of the only experiences in life that I have had where I have truly felt like a part of something that is colossal, catastrophic, and beautiful.

I leave you with this quote I found from Pinterest:

x's & o's

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